Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 48; Wed June 13 2007

(Dr Bug) Woke at 5am to the sound of tent stakes rattling. It was not a bear, but Recline, breaking down camp. So we were on the trail by 6am, a great start. Saw four very sturdy bucks grazing - Four and two points. It is early in the season. We climbed to Frog lake. A pristine glacial pond in a cathedral of mammoth alpine mountains. It was time to take a break, and this was the perfect spot. We sat in a post card setting.

The climb up Kerseage Pass was challenging. But after all the heart pounding work at Forrester Pass the day before, this seemed straight foreword, anti-climactic and almost routine. Other hikers complained about this 2000 ft accent, but I felt truely good. I think my body has acclimated to the altitude.

Ran into a hiker named 'Wounded Face'. Other hikers had mentioned him in coversation. He was having a hard time out here. He had just recovered from a wrong turn. Getting lost is no fun. He was going to join us over Kearsage.

The view from the top of Kearsage was not as dramatic as Forrester. It may have been the fact that this was a beautiful sunny day, not the sleet and cloud contrast hues of yesterday.

We met a day hiker named Chris at the top. A bright young man in grad school, out to clear his head after long days of studying.

The walk down from Kearage was 4.7 miles of continuely hotter climate. Onion Valley is the name of the parking area at the bottom of this decent. We hit there about 2pm. We got a ride from a 70 yr old gentleman name John. He had just finished a week long trek from Taboose Pass. This guy has been hiking these mountains for 20 yrs and has logged over 25,000 miles! The stories and insight he shared with us on the ride to Independance was more valuable than the ride. I would hope that I could be that cool when I am 70.

We checked into a motel called the Court House - good and clean. The owners were nice people. Stud found an ad in the Yellow Pages for an all you can eat rib place in Bishop. Another hiker named Achilies found a local to drive us an hour there to eat.

We hiked about 14 miles today. we ate about 6 lb. of beef each.

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