Sunday, May 20, 2007

Day 23, Sat May 19

(Stud) On tne trail around 6, we finished the ascent we started last night--just up, up, up through the chaparrel. We ran into Mike taking a nap by the side of the trail--he didn't get a restful night's sleep due to the slant he was on, so he was already trying to catch up on lost sleep. We hiked with him on and off throughout the day.

It was really a beautiful hiking day once we emerged from the chaparrel to a pine forest. It was sunny, not too hot, shady on and off, and a good breeze. A nice pine scet in the air.

Part way through the day we met a couple sectioniong the PCT little by little--Liela and Max. They had woken up at 3 in the morning, and driven up from San Diego to do this one 16 mile section. Max was quite the trail ambassidor, and even talked a couple of cyclists we ran into when the trail crossed a road into starting a PCT hike. They gave us a ride into Wrightwood when we reached Highway 6 at Inspiration Point.

The last several miles of hiking today was by a ski resort--of course buttoned up at this time of year. There were a couple of man made lakes for making snow. I noticed some hikers taking a break on an empty chair lift.

We arrived in Wrightwood around 1--With Liela and Max driving us around until we found the recommended Pines Hotel--campy, clean but with a shower long overdue for replacing. The manager let us use the washer and dryer here for free.

We resupplyed at the small local grocery where we ran into Mike who was heading back out to the trail. Food seemed very expensive--or is it because we're eating so much more?

I got some new socks at the Hardware Store that also carries camping supplies. This sandy soil is eating through our socks like crazy. And as much as I love my Smartwool socks--the thickness of the seems to retain a ton of dirt and sand. I pre-rince them for 10 minutes before every wash and dirt is still coming out.

No way to check email because the library was closed when we got here and will be closed tomorrow.

We had a nice dinner at a Mexican Restaurant before heading to bed.
This is a good hiker town--nice and compact.

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