Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day 83; Wed July 18 2007

(Dr Bug) Happy 20th anniversary to us!...Married 20 years. Time flys...

So, Susan had a great idea yesterday: use one of the guest tents at the Heitmans. We did, it rained all night, our tarp didn't get wet (a plus), the old tent we chose leaked like seive and much of our gear got wet (a minus).

It was still raining when we got up. I was antzy and did not want to wait for breakfast from the host. There were 12 hikers there and things seemed very disorganized.
After saying goodbyes and a worthless lecture from Georgi about thunderstorms (it was a gentle 'lady rain'), we left. Got coffee and a pastry at the general store, talked to Heidi, Troll and Oblivious who were both just arriving as we were headed out. Good to see them all, we were wondering about how they were doing.

At 9:30 we started hiking in hard rain. By the time we reached Hat Creek Rim, the rain was slowing. It rained on and off until lunch at about 1pm. This is normally a very hot and dry hike, but the cloud cover made it easier. The cloud cover was very dramatic and we had a great view of it from the rim.

We needed to walk about 18 miles to the water cache. This took all day and we arrived at about 6pm. Susan's shins were hurting bad and the walking was painfully slow. Stopped a few times during the day to massage her legs; don't know if it helped.

After dinner the trail dropped down to flat valley and we found a great camp site in a grove of pines. Despite bad shins we managed to hobble 24 miles today. When we get to Burney, Susan will need to rest.

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