Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 58; Sat June 23 2007

(Dr Bug) Started hiking at 6:02am. I love an early start. After about 2 hrs of hiking we ran into Suess, Chickadee and speed stick. They were just waking and getting it together. The older folks wake up early and get in the miles the young folk hike late in the evening. So it goes.

There was a choice of trail to take - PCT ridge or JMT river and lake. We took the ridge. There were some spectacular views of the mountains across the canyon. Snow covered black volcanic rock with pockets filled with glacier melt - lakes and ponds. Then these roaring waterfalls from the mountain lakes into the green canyon below.

Of course, we were too absorbed watching this and we got lost. I was in the lead and got off trail, on to a spur trail to a spring. STUD was behind and started backtracking to the actual trail. By the time I worked my way back she was gone. This is a dilema I face often. First I wait for her - 5 minutes, no show. Now I must determine where she went. I choose forward at the trail junction we missed, thinking she found it and went ahead. This is what I hate more than anything. I don't know whether she is in front or behind me on the trail. It is a gamble to try and catch her. I turn a corner with a great veiw of the trail in front of me for 1/2 mile and I don't see her. This is where I get nervous. Luckily I hear her voice from down below the mountain ridge. She had gotten off trail where we were originally lost looking for me. This could have been much worse.

At lunch STUD tried to grill cheese on toast over a small fire and a rock pile for a stove. The fire was nice but the cheese didn't grill. Lunch was still good.

We hiked to spot on the map that looked above tree line and away from water, between two lakes.

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