Thursday, March 8, 2007

Launching our Blog

Today we launch our blog to share our Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike journal with interested friends and family. We are currently in the preparation stage for our hike including: putting together a proposed hiking schedule; researching, buying and making new gear; lining up friends and family to help with mail drops, transportation to the trail, journal maintenance while on the trail; etc, etc, etc. It seems like it should be easier since we're experienced long distance hikers--having hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2002. But, no -- we're in full scale "analysis paralysis"--trying to decide such all-important questions as: - Should we take our 30 degree sleeping bags, or buy (or make?) new 20 degree bags? - Should we maintain our journal on paper and mail to a volunteer transcriber for publishing--or take along a PDA or smart phone? - When we get to the southern end of the Sierra's, should we add crampons to our gear list, go the screw shoe route, or just make sure we have a good solid tread on our running shoes? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! Well...we better get back to it! Check back in with us now and again to see what we're up to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't crate a problem for you. I could learn the other way. I like your blog. It's the first time that I've been to a blog. Dad